Right Now {Elem’s} Loving…

Here are some things Elem and I are currently loving!  She is a mere 6 days away from being one (WHAT?!), so she’s a pretty busy lady…her days are filled with climbing, eating reading books, pushing anything around, dancing, and taking her first steps.

Elem at 12 months

We’re loving:

*Finger Foods!  Elem is obsessed with feeding herself.  Her favorites are chicken, turkey, pasta with marinara sauce, lima beans, peas, carrots, beets and watermelon.  She is going to be devastated when she finds out watermelon season is over, the poor thing…luckily she has just discovered beets and is OBSESSED!

*Anything With Wheels!  Anything she can push around, she’s there!  She loves her wood wagon walker (a thrift store score for $3 with a ton of blocks included), and her Ladybug Wheelybug (these are so fun! they roll smoothly and although later she can ride on it she loves pushing it around right now).  {IKEA has an adorable modern wagon pictured above for around $20}

*Aden & Anais Blankets!  Elem loves these soft muslin single layer blankets.  I let her sleep with hers because they are breathable.  I tie hers into knots so that she can’t get it wrapped around her neck at night, and she loves to snuggle with that knotted up thing.  (Doubles as a nose-wiper during the night if-you-know-what-i-mean…ha, so we wash often and have extras!)
{I have only bought these on sale since they are pricey for the set, around $50…look for price changes on Amazon and good deals on Diapers.com for these!}

*Colorful Wooden Blocks!  The girl loves to carry a block or two around with her.  She’s really into multitasking!
{IKEA has a great affordable selection of colorful wood toys!}

*Jellycat Plush Toys!  These soft plush toys, especially their “Cordy-roy” series, are among Elem’s favorites.  She just can’t get enough of her Dino-Roar (dinosaur) or George Jones (lion) or Cleo the Cat!  A British brand, Jellycat is known for it’s quality and softness and they won’t break the bank!  They’re available in small, medium, and large sizes…with the medium being the perfect stuffed animal size and the small ideal for tiny hands in the car seat!
{Amazon and Diapers.com are both great for these, they run around $24 for the medium size!}

*BlaBla Knit Dolls!  I have to say, these are my favorite, but Elem loves them too!  She especially loves Willie Nelson, her bunny…and doesn’t go on a trip without him (he’s been to Cincinnati, Jekyll Island, Epcot, the zoo…you name it and Willie was there)!  These are quite pricey, but I view them as more of an heirloom toy.  To boot, they are also all sustainably handknit in Peru.  They are knit from cotton and have so much personality!  I love picking these out for Elem and they make a wonderful baby gift!  {BlaBla runs sales through their Instagram, so be sure to follow them there!  Sign up for their mailing list too so you’ll know when they have a warehouse sale or special promo…this is the best way to get a great deal on amazing dolls! www.blablakids.com }

DISCLAIMER:  These are not sponsored posts!  These are things that Elem truly loves and that we use on a daily basis in our household…we own a version of everything listed in the photo and they are all wonderful products!  


Wee Creatures

Hello new friends!  We thought we’d start things off by introducing ourselves…

We are friends and neighbors (living a mere 11 houses from each other) living in Atlanta who both work in the design world.  We both have a kid (or almost do….one is still cooking currently!) and think that kids can have their very own ideas of fashion and design at an early age.  This means we love modern toys, vintage-style wood toys, fun patterns, adorable clothes, and anything new and innovative in the kid world!  That being said, we don’t want to break the bank…so we like to think we’re hip on a budget.

This space is where we’ll share what we’re loving, what works in real life (that we’ve used ourselves), show you our favorite spaces (and our kid’s rooms), and more! Curated collections for your littles.

So, HI!  We are Katie & Jordan, as seen below in our uber-festive hats…yeah, we are pretty fun and never miss a good margarita, unless of course we are busy cooking a kid!  Ole’!

weekatie & weejordan